Month: July 2018

L13: Weekly Reflection

I learned more about two essential topics this week.  1) Link building and 2) Understanding Google Analytics. Link building is very important for establishing credibility and directing more traffic to your site.  Essentially, you want as many people as you can providing links that land on your web page.  These links can come from other […]

L12: Weekly Reflection

This week’s focus was on SEO and social media marketing.  Social media is has an ever-growing presence in our society.  Facebook released a statistic that for every 5 minutes a mobile device is being used, 1 of those minutes is being used on Facebook.  Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, YouTube, etc. are all useful tools in […]

L11: Weekly Reflection

My focus this week has been on SEO.  There are many things one can do to improve his SEO.  Good quality content, meta descriptions, alt attributes, good linking, etc. are all good things one can do to improve SEO.  However, the one thing that stand out the most to me is writing a good title. […]

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